Treating Aging Skin
Getting rid of wrinkles, fine lines and pigmentation is no joke and we know how to help you achieve your goals. If your client has aging concerns, it is not enough to just hydrate the skin. To understand the deeper reasons for the aging skin you need to look deeper. In this class, you will learn about the true reasons for skin aging. Help your clients feel confident and bring back their youthful glow to the skin.
Tier 1- you will learn everything you need to know about aging skin, what causes it, how to determine if your client has premature aging, and what kind of chemical processes happen in the skin during the aging process. Aging on the different stages of life. Menopausal aging, hormonal changes, sun-induced and many more. treatments that can be done during different stages and products to avoid.
Tier 2 is the demonstration of the techniques and treatments to help you advance in your own practice.
Tier 3 is Hand-on. Under close supervision you will master the techniques and treatments for your aging clients setting you apart from the competition.